hugo quick start to build your website and deploy to github in ten minutes
By 前端关宇
- mac pro
- brew
- git
1: Install Hogo
brew install hugo
To verify your new install:
hugo version
2: Create a new site
hugo new site quickstart
quickstart 就是自己起的目录名
3: Add a Theme
cd quickstart
git init
git submodule add themes/ananke
Then, add the theme to the site configuration:
echo 'theme = "ananke"' >> config.toml
4: Add Some Content
hugo new posts/
5: Start the Hugo server in your localhost then you can see the effect
hugo server -D
6: Customize the Theme
Open up config.toml in a text editor:
baseURL = “" languageCode = “en-us” title = “My New Hugo Site” theme = “ananke” Replace the title above with something more personal. Also, if you already have a domain ready, set the baseURL. Note that this value is not needed when running the local development server.
7: Build static pages
hugo -D
8: deploy to github pages
create a new reposity and the name must be the same with your username then combine the
so the final url will looks like :
hugo --theme=ananke --baseUrl="" --buildDrafts
- git init
- git add .
- git commit -m’some messages'
- git remote add origin
git remote add origin + url(the url is show in your new created reposity) just copy from github it to here git remote -v too see if added success
- git branch -M main
- git push -u origin main
after doing this you can open the url you just copied from github .visit it then will see the same content form local . done.