前端关宇 2022/3/1
# 1 什么是递归?它是如何工作的?
Recursion is an approach to solving problems using a function that calls itself as a subroutine
The trick is each time a recursive function calls itself, it reduces the given problem into subproblems, The recursion call continues until it reaches a point where the subproblem can be solved without further recursion
# 递归函数的构成?
- A simple base case
- A set of rules, also known as recurrence relation that reduces all other cases towards the base case
Note that there could be multiple places where the function may call itself.
# 2 如何用递归解决一个问题?
Print a string in reverse order
# 3 如何分析一个递归算法的时间和空间复杂度?
- todo
# 4 对于一个问题, 除了用递归, 还有更好的解决办法么?
- memorize
- dp
# 如何写好递归函数?
- 递归函数的返回值和参数
- 是否有返回值?
- 参数不够,是否要新增?否则递归函数没法继续往下写
- 终止条件
- 单层递归的逻辑